Oil is an essential item that can be found in any type of household. From the messy but delicious confines of the kitchen to the industrial DIY projects propped up in a garage, this basic commodity is always used on a daily basis by different people. Since oil is also made up of a thick and viscous liquid substance, removing it as a stain can be quite the challenge. Sometimes a normal laundry routine isn’t even enough to eliminate dried up oil stains on your clothes — it takes a painstaking process involving different cleaning ingredients, ranging from natural to chemical solutions. So if you ever find yourself stuck in an oil stain rut, don’t worry! Like other stains that are difficult to remove, oil stains are still a no match for the stain-removing powers of these cleaning solutions.
In this article, we will take you on a step-by-step guide on how to remove oil stains out of clothes — and the best tips to keep in mind to make the stain removal process smoother and more effective.
Before you get started on removing cooking oil stain from your clothes, here are some of the cleaning materials that you must first gather:
Tip: When treating an oil stain, always remember to use a paper towel or napkin to blot up the remaining excess oil as much as possible. Doing this will further break down the particles get oil stains to soften, providing you with more ease when removing it with your cleaning materials. Additionally, you should never put the fabric with oil stains inside the dryer as the extreme heat will only make the oil stains stick to the fabric’s fibers, thereby making it more difficult to remove altogether.
On the other hand, if the fabric with oil stains is non-washable, then you’ll need to strictly refer to the label’s care instructions to prevent any unnecessary damage to the fabric.
To begin treating the oil stain, you must first remove any solid stain formation on the fabric using a dull knife or a spoon. Scrape the stained area to break down the oil and blot it using a clean paper towel. Doing this will weaken the oil on the fabric, making it easier for you to treat the stained area using soap and other cleaning ingredients later on. It will also prevent oil from further seeping into the fabric, reducing the areas that you would need to treat and pay attention to. For non-washable clothes and shoes with oil stains, it’s recommended that cornstarch or baby powder be sprinkled over the stained area for further absorption.
After scraping the oil stains away from the fabric, apply a heavy duty laundry detergent to the stained area. Since most detergents are formulated to break down and eliminate grease stains, doing this step should solve your stain problem right away. However, in the case of tough oil stains, consider using a highly concentrated and formulated detergent or liquid soap. Put a generous amount of the detergent on the area with the stain so that it can seep through the fabric and its fibers can soak the solution.
Allow the detergent to seep into the fabric for at least 3 to 5 minutes. You can do this by soaking the fabric and its stained area directly to the solution. Doing this will ensure that the stains soak as much of the cleaning solution as possible. As it absorbs the detergent, you will notice that the stains will begin to break down. When this happens, let it soak for an additional 10 minutes to make sure that it gets removed entirely.
To make sure that you’re taking proper care of the fabric, check the washing instructions on the label. Additionally, you will also see the right water temperature to use as well as the ideal washing force to practice when washing the material. For the safest option, try washing the fabric in the most approximate hot water temperature that it can withstand as per the label. Remember, the stains will be easier to remove and clean with warm water.
After washing the fabric, closely inspect the stained area to make sure that there are no more marks of oil or grease. If this is the case, proceed to drying it out. However, if you still are able to find hints of grease marks on the cloth, then it’s a clear sign that you have to repeat the steps above. You can usually check for any hint of stain on the fabric if there are clear visible marks or darkened rings in the area.
If you’ve tried the steps above and are still unable to completely remove the oil stain, then try this alternative cleaning guide using mostly natural cleaning materials. To begin, look for the following items in your kitchen or laundry area:
To start, place the fabric’s stained area on a flat surface and put a few drops of the natural dish soap on the oil or grease marks. Doing this will give a strong concentration of soap onto the stained area and will break it down for washing.
Get a soft toothbrush or any soft-bristled cleaning brush and gently message the soap onto the stained area. This will further break down the stain particles on the cloth.
Get the baking soda and apply it into the stained area. Brush the soda onto the stain by using the same soft toothbrush. Do this until the baking soda forms a paste-like mixture on the stained area.
Let it sit for one hour and rinse the baking soda off the fabric. Afterwards, mix a ½ scoop of oxygen bleach into a basin of warm water and soak the fabric into it. Let it sit for an hour. Afterwards, wash the fabric in the washing machine to remove the stain.
Once the fabric has been cleaned, you can now finish it off by placing it inside the dryer. You can repeat this process until the fabric is all dried up.
Removing oil and grease stains from your clothes is no easy feat. Since oil is made up of a thick and greasy liquid material, you will need to turn to the most powerful cleaning ingredients available once the sight of it appears on your fabric. With the help of the washing machine, dish soap, hot water, laundry detergent and water, you can remove and get oil stains out easily. However, if you don't have the time to do the act of stain removal yourself, you can always get help and turn to the cleaning experts.
If you need a professional home cleaning service to help you with getting stains out of clothes, drop us a call here at Homefresh! Our team of friendly cleaning experts will leave no stain untouched and no corner unchecked. Book us now and experience quality home cleaning and service in an instant.